Start again.
Start again.
To breathe again.
As if we never learn anything about life
Except sometimes, a characteristic of oneself.
- Françoise Sagan -
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What counts in the hour of despair,
It is not what is true and what is false,
But what helps one to live.
- Romain Gary -
I told you about the clouds...
I told you about the clouds...
I told you about the tree of the sea
For each wave for the birds in the leaves
For the pebbles of noise
For familiar hands
For the eye that becomes face or landscape
And sleep gives him back the sky of its colour
For the whole night drinking
For the road grid
For the open window for an open front
I told you for your thoughts for your words
All caresses all confidence survive.
- Paul Eluard -
The night is never complete
The night is never complete.
There is always as I say,
Since I say so,
At the end of sorrow,
an open window,
an illuminated window.
There's always a dream waiting to happen,
desire to be fulfilled,
hunger to be satisfied,
a generous heart,
an outstretched hand,
an open hand,
attentive eyes,
a life: a life to be shared.
- Paul Eluard -
I dedicate to your tears, to your smile ...
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I dedicate to your tears, to your smile,
My sweetest thoughts,
The ones I'm telling you, the ones too
Which remain unclear
And too deep to say.
I dedicate to your tears, to your smile,
To all your soul, my soul,
With its cries and smiles
And its kiss.
You see, the dawn whitens the ground, the colour of dregs;
Shadow ties seem to slip
And go away, with melancholy ;
The water of the ponds lights up and sifts its noise,
The grass glows and the corollas unfold,
And the golden woods are freed from all night long.
Oh, say, may one day,
Entering into the full light;
Oh, say, may, some day,
With victorious cries and high prayers,
Without any more veils about us,
Without any remorse left in us,
Oh, say, may one day
Entering into lucid love as a couple!
- Émile Verhaeren - "The Clear Hours".
The bridge
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I had darkness before my eyes. The abyss
Who has no shoreline and who has no top,
It was there, dull, immense; and nothing stirred there.
I felt lost in the mute infinity.
In the depths, through the shadows, impenetrable veil,
God was seen as a dark star.
I cried out: - My soul, O my soul! it should be,
To cross this abyss where no edge appears,
And that on this night to your God you may walk,
Building a giant bridge over millions of arches.
Who will ever be able to? No one ever will! O mourning! Fright!
Cry! - A white ghost stood before me...
While I cast an alarming eye over the shadow,
And this ghost was in the shape of a tear;
It was a virgin's forehead with child's hands;
He looked like the lily that whiteness defends;
His hands joined together to make light.
He showed me the abyss where all dust goes,
So deep that an echo never responds to it;
And says to me: - If you want, I'll build a bridge.
Towards this pale stranger I raised my eyelid
- What's your name? I said to him. He said to me: - The Prayer. -
- Victor HUGO - "The Contemplations"
At the top of the peaks
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At the top of the peaks,
Live our hopes,
There is our optimism,
There is light.
At the top of the peaks,
Like passing clouds,
Our life is going through this abyss,
In search of light.
At the top of the peaks,
Our eyes turn to it,
To pray, to hope,
To seek the light.
At the top of the peaks,
We have to get there,
Without ever doubting to succeed,
The very shadow of light.
And when the mountains,
Will go away like clouds,
And when the mountains,
Let the light through.
Finally, we will have succeeded,
At the top of the peaks.
- Nashmia Noormohamed -
Living without hope
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Loving life, loving those who help us to live, loving everything that embellishes our existence is not always enough to find the strength to continue living.
Sometimes uncertainty and doubt prevent us from believing in a positive future. Threats and fear paralyse us. We lose our self-confidence, we feel unable to create or achieve what we want.
We lose hope.
We feel isolated, separated from others, cut off from the world, out of movement, on the fringes of time. Discouragement takes hold of us. We are in danger.
"To live without hope is to stop living," said Fedor Dostoevsky. We need this strength to surpass ourselves, to connect with the world and to believe in the possibility of a happy future.
- Thierry JANSENN -
May you be able to ...
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May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
May you receive great support when new frontiers call you.
May you respond to the call of your gift and see that courage makes its way.
May the mirror that shows you your outer dignity also reflect that of your soul.
May you take time to celebrate the small miracles that do not require any attention.
May the burning of anger free you from error.
May the warmth of the heart keep your peace alive and never let anxiety linger in you.
May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.
May you see each day as a sacred gift woven around a marvelling heart.
- John O'Donohue -
Who knows what the earth is carrying?
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I dreamt that you took me away
On a white path,
Among the green countryside,
Towards the azure of the sierras,
Towards the blue mountains,
On a serene morning.
I felt your hand in mine,
Your hand of companionship,
Your child's voice in my ear
Like a new bell,
Like a virgin bell
From a spring dawn
Your voice and your hand, in a dream,
Were so real!
Live my hope!
Who knows what the earth carries!
- Antonio Machado -
A beautiful message of hope ...
"To see further than oneself, further than the horizon,
where love is king and unconditional"
- Antoinette Egidi -
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May her words help you, too, to move forward...
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"I think everyone has asked this question, or is asking it, today I believe it brings, empathy and understanding with hindsight, to answer this question: What have I come to do on this earth? Well, I answer: giving is sharing, sharing is loving, and loving is eternity! My ordeal leaves me with this observation, to see further than myself, further than the horizon, where love is king and without conditions". (Antoinette Egidi)
You think: why me?
But I answer, now .... and why not!
You think you're the only one who suffers,
And, one thinks one is a martyr.
But look around you,
And, you'll see, there are worse things!
And tell yourself,
That after misery,
There is abundance.
After misfortune, there is happiness.
After absence, presence.
After solitude,
Friendship, solidarity.
After life, there is paradise
And, after oblivion,
The memory remains ...
- Antoinette Egidi - September 2011 - ©protected text
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Waiting, always waiting ....
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A call that doesn't come,
A person who doesn't come back anymore.
A letter you don't receive,
A child you can no longer see.
A youth that is no longer there,
A love that seems lost.
You linger on bringing back to life that past which asks to die...
And you waste your time holding back an illusion that makes you suffer.
Stop running away in your memories and ageing your future.
It's time to pull yourself together, you owe it to yourself to live again.
And in the future the happiness of blossoming.
Everything that life has to offer you,
it will give you,
Just smile at it and open up.
The way to do this is to let go,
No longer hold back, let go, in order to grow up
And again, welcome everything."
- Richard MIGNEAULT -
I have a dream ...
A beautiful song full of hope and tenderness, to read and above all to listen to :
Living and believing
To live and believe is also to accept that life contains death and death contains life.
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It is knowing, deep down, that in fact, nothing ever dies.
There is no death, there are only metamorphoses.
You haven't left us, but you have gone to the land of Life, where flowers never fade, where time knows nothing about us.
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Ignoring wrinkles and evenings, where it is always morning, where it is always serene.
You have left our shadows, our suffering and our sorrows.
You have taken the lead in the land of Life.
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I will flower my heart
In memory of you,
Where you live in me,
Where I live for you.
And I will live twice...
- Father André Marie -
And even if you had to let go of your hand ...
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And even if you had to let go of your hand
And, even if we have to tell you to see you tomorrow
Knowing that tomorrow is not so far away...
But, so uncertain
You used to say: it is not me who lets go.
It's my body, which is letting go of me.
So, whenever life
Makes me doubt my survival
And, that my only desire
Would be to give up
I hear deep inside me, this little voice
Tears in the eyes
I raise my head to these heavens
And, my look discovers these marvellous messages
One cloud, one, bird
A ray of sunshine on my skin
A tree, a flower
A glimmer in the heart
A fine rain, dripping on my face
Drowning, by the way, my tears of this shipwreck
And, with a gust of wind, the breeze in my hair
Who, while blowing, says to me: Go on, that's what I want.
- Antoinette EGIDI - ©protected text
ANCÊTRE (ancestor)- Lynda LEMAY
(original song in French)
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"One day I will be great, one day I will be wise,
I will have stopped learning, I will have turned my page,
I will come to the conclusion of my whole story.
I will build my house in the depths of your memories.
One day I will be fine, one day I will be beautiful,
One day I will be nothing, nothing less than eternal,
I shall calm the winds that save your hearts.
I'll be like the weather but I won't have a time.
One day I will be there, near those I have lost,
I will have found the place where the missing go,
You will mourn my skin, you will keep my ashes,
But I will be up there where no one can come down.
One day I will be far away, one day I will be strong,
I will have of my destiny closed the heavy door,
I will be silent to deafen you,
And I'll be happy to tell you.
And when I grow up I will have suffered so much,
That I will let myself be taken by a corner of the universe,
Yes, when I will be wise to have learned too well that life is destroying us little by little.
I hope that my absence will be fragrant for you,
I can't explain the coincidence,
I will become, I believe, a palpable memory,
I will find your fingers, yes I will.
I will borrow your hands to caress the cheeks of your future toddlers,
yes I will be everywhere!
When I'm gone,
When I'm gone,
When I am there, I will always be here.
One day I'll grow up, but I don't know the next step,
One day I could learn that one day I'll be a little girl,
At the bottom of another belly,
In a new family,
The gaping memory fragile as a caterpillar.
But if I could choose, I would surely choose,
Not to come back from my near-nothingness,
I don't want to forget anything I've learned,
I have loved you too much, I don't want another life.
I would like to patiently prepare a cloud for you,
For when you grow up for when you are good.
I'm going to become an ancestor and that's fine,
It is never reborn
Who will be my heaven ......."
Every little step brings you to the sun
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"After night the day rises, after winter comes spring, at the edge of the desert is the river...
However long the tunnel may be, it eventually reaches daylight, drawing a tiny rainbow in the distance at the very end.
Keep your confidence. Caress hope. Protect your little flame. And keep going, every little step brings you towards the sun."
- Author unknown - "Pensées Plurielles" (Plural Thoughts)
On the other side of the shore
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How funny... I see you, I hear you... But you... You, Mummy, you only see me in this elongated body. Please, look up, I'm here, Mummy, close to you.
I saw them, you know, those butterflies dancing, they were so beautiful... So light... The more they came to me, the more I heard soft music in the distance.
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You talk to me about tears, but all I see on your face are pretty crystal drops, rolling down your lips... Your lips, so soft, which have kissed me so much.
Mummy, I don't suffer any more, it's so good, and then your words that accompanied me during my celestial dance, surrounded by butterflies, your words, Mummy, made me the beautiful free bird that I have become.
How good it is to see the extent of your Love. How sweet it is to feel your hand in mine, helping me to reach this flowery path which today is mine...
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May your Promise make you happy. I will be there, always close to
you, and when my little brother or sister comes to sit by your side, tell him about me only as the cheerful and carefree boy I was . Don't make him carry my shadow... He will be him, I will always be me...
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But Mum? Are you smiling? Can you hear me?
I see your tears flowing even harder, you "feel" me, Mummy, I know it... You see, I haven't left, I'm just on the other side of the shore... And tomorrow... Tomorrow, both our hands will be held together... I promise you that... I'll be there, just like you were there for me...
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Mum, angels do exist... They are there...
They are waiting for me... I love you Mummy... I feel so good.
"A rustle of wings was heard... A breath of wind came to caress the woman's cheek... "And the sun chose this moment to light up her face."
- From "The Angelic Tales" - Author unknown -
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To be reborn from my ashes
to exhale all the fragrances of my life,
To be reborn from my "destroyed" body
to magnify the beauty of this divine temple,
To be reborn from my wandering lives
to free myself from my true freedom,
Being reborn from my tortured childhood
to make my child's heart laugh,
To be reborn from my chained lives
to savour the greatness of life,
To be reborn from my lives dragged in the mud
to bloom a magnificent sacred flower filled with mother-of-pearl,
To be reborn from my solitude, my isolation
to bring my sense of sharing to life,
To be reborn from my abandonment
to give birth to my completeness,
To be reborn from my shadows
to make the light come out,
To be reborn from my uprooting to take root
like a mighty tree reaching for the sky,
To be reborn from my unconsciousness
to give birth to my unity and inner strength,
To be reborn from my violence, my hate, my wounds...
to make Love vibrate!
To be reborn from my death to bring forth from the depths of my entrails the power of my life!
- Hanaël - Plural Thoughts -
The dragonfly
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At the bottom of an old swamp there were a few larvae that did not understand why none returned after crawling along the lily stems to the water's surface. They walked around each other and said that the next one that came up would come back and tell the others what had happened to it.
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Soon, one of them felt irresistibly driven to the surface. She rested on top of a lily leaf and underwent a magnificent transformation that turned her into a dragonfly. Flying from one end of the marsh to the other, she tried in vain to keep her promise. Then she realised that even if her friends had been able to see her, they would not have recognised her.
The fact that we can neither see our friends nor communicate with them after the transformation we call death is not proof that they have ceased to exist.
Tell them that they are more than men
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Tell them that it is not their anger, their judgments or those tears that divide them.
Tell them that nothing can be taken away from them because their souls are immortal and they are worthy sons of Life.
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Tell them that they carry within them vestiges of social conditioning but that their true natures lie far beyond.
Tell them not to stop at the appearances of a world that supports contradictions and the fire of separation.
Tell them not to lose their lives for the sake of earning it.
Tell them that they are not what they do or undo. Because what they do or undo is only an echo of a much deeper nature.
Tell them to disidentify themselves from their anger and their judgments.
Tell them that they are lights to lighten the darkness.
But tell them also that they are their own darkness and their own light.
Tell them that life is a dance.
Tell them to dance their lives and stop thinking about it.
Tell them again to dance their lives and stop dressing it up.
Tell them that those who love each other always find each other, beyond time and space.
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Tell them there is no such thing as death.
Tell them that their lives are a constant rebirth.
Tell them to rejoice and laugh beyond the sermons and oaths of great institutions.
Tell them to rise above their rivalries.
Tell them that in every part of life everything is joy, miracle and simplicity.
Tell them that in every part of life there is a light that remains veiled for the one who never stops interpreting the world.
Tell them, in simple words, that life is a miracle.
Tell them that all experiences, good or bad, are simply part of the miracle of life.
Tell them that all experiences help to build and grow in wisdom.
Tell them that everything is connected, from the smallest grain of sand to the biggest stellar giants...
Tell them all this and more, but in simple, humane words.
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Because that's what the world needs to hear.
Tell them what you understood with your heart, not what you learned by heart.
Tell them, again and again, that they are much more than men...
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Tell them, with simple words, to stop looking and be what they are...
Tell them, again and again, to rise from the misery of judgment and the dust of books,
Tell them, again and again, to get up and live their lives.
Tell them, at all times, not to miss out on their lives...
Tell them to discover and illuminate their own inner landscapes.
Tell them that they carry within them treasures of eternity.
Tell them that they can paint the Universe with the colours of their souls.
Tell them that they can illuminate the world with their own radiance.
Tell them there is no need to talk or prove anything.
Tell them that it is enough to be who they are.
Just tell them to go their own way.
Tell them to ask life to teach them to be who they are...
Tell them all this and much more,
But tell them in simple words.
Then don't tell them anything else,
And become yourself the one you're talking about...
- ALAIN (Émile Chartier) -
What if the end is only the beginning?
May the words that follow comfort all those who have lost a loved one.
May courage accompany you in these painful ordeals.
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You would have told us the pain is not shared but the sorrow is entrusted.
Death is at the heart of life,
What would life be like if there were no death?
Death, like life, is sometimes individualistic.
I left but life remains and goes on.
Like any beginning that knows no end,
Death is nothing because it is timeless.
I am simply on the other side but always close to you,
So close to life.
My story is linked to yours for all eternity,
I am me, you are you, everyone has their own destiny, their own story,
Ours we have woven together,
What we were to each other, we always will be,
What we experienced together still exists,
it's our history, our secrets.
Never be sad or desperate, for you are rich in our experiences.
Keep laughing at what made us laugh together,
Think of all that life has given us,
Smile, think of me and especially of you,
I know that you have always loved me
I took away this love that I share with the stars and the universe,
Be yourself and give others the love you have received.
Pretend that there is nothing or almost nothing...
Life will progress towards other dimensions that we cannot measure.
This cycle since the dawn of time has been moving towards eternity.
Today, think about life and the human dimension.
I must give you the courage to do so because you have earned it.
Don't be angry with me for leaving before you,
You see, life has decided this.
Find your marks and your story with the same emotion you had for me.
Only inner peace will allow you to rebuild.
What is ours nobody can erase.
Tonight I have found my eternal star,
In your turn, give the best of our friendship, (of our love) around you.
Wipe away your tears and don't cry if you love me...
- Author unknown -
The death of souls does not exist
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The death of souls does not exist.
To you, who has lost a loved one,
Remember the memories that made you tremble so much,
You deplore your sadness, you curse the ephemeral,
You dream of his hand so you can hold it,
He begins another era like a prelude,
Look around if you can't see it,
Offer him a few words despite the habits,
Feel his presence, for his soul is towards you,
The wings grew, he became an angel,
Happy and calm, it will guide your steps,
He wants to make you feel good, that above all nothing changes,
The death of souls is not, listen to him quietly,
He will come to find you in disguise,
And despite his absence, he will support you,
He's sending you a message to keep going,
On the path of life he wants to see you smile.
Alexandra Julien,
excerpt from "Positive Thoughts Happiness Option".
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Life after death
When we lose a loved one, especially a child, our despair is such that we no longer know what to believe. This quotation from Albert EINSTEIN, who was, I remind you, above all a scientist, can be comforting:
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"I believe in an afterlife,
simply because
energy cannot die ;
it circulates, transforms and never stops."
- Albert EINSTEIN -
Dying is not the end ...
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"... is to continue in a different way. A human being who dies is not a mortal who ends, it is an immortal who begins. The grave is a cradle and the last evening of our temporal life is the first morning of our eternity.
Death is not a fall in the dark, it is a rise in the light. When you have life, it can only be forever. Death cannot kill that which does not die. But our soul is immortal and there is only one thing I can justify, death: immortality.
Dying in the depths may be as beautiful as being born. "Isn't the setting sun as beautiful as the rising sun? Isn't a ship arriving safely at port a happy event?"
And if being born is just a painful way to reach the happiness of life, why shouldn't dying be just a painful way to become a happy person?
- Doris LUSSIER -
On the other side of the peaks
"I've already lived more than half my life; I know I'm on the other side of the peaks and I have more past than future. So I have wisely tamed the idea of my death. I have domesticated it and made it my daily companion so that it no longer frightens me ... or almost does...
On the contrary, it goes so far as to inspire me with thoughts of joy. It seems that death teaches me how to live. So much so that I have come to think that true death is not dying, it is losing the reason for living. And soon, when it's my turn to climb behind the stars and go to the other side of the mystery, I will know what my reason for living was. Not before.
To die is to know, at last.
Without hope, not only is death meaningless, but life is meaningless too."
- Doris LUSSIER -
So comforting. We all need a ray of hope in difficult times to keep us going. You have complied amazing collections of quotes. Well done!!!.
Thank you very much for your recognition. It is, it is true, a very long work.
DeleteI visited your website, it is very interesting. In which country are you located?